Over the past two weeks, hundreds of people came out to fight for Learning to Work (LTW), one of the most successful programs for re-engaging high schoolers who have dropped out or fallen behind. At Eskolta we know firsthand how important LTW is in removing barriers and creating pathways to opportunity for young people. 

For many, LTW is defined by the 3,000 paid internships it provides annually, but in reality, its influence extends far beyond, to almost every aspect of a transfer student’s education. Through the community-based organizations integral to NYC’s transfer schools, LTW funds “advocate counselors” who foster caring, accountable relationships, and supports including goal-setting, crisis intervention, attendance outreach, and post-secondary guidance. The cuts NYC is considering will eliminate these critical services for 16,446 students in 46 transfer schools and 20 Young Adult Borough Centers, upending how these schools function, and resulting in layoffs of countless dedicated counselors and social workers during a pandemic. 

Since its founding, Eskolta has been deeply committed to supporting New York City transfer schools. Over the years, we have worked with 40+ transfer schools and have seen firsthand their ability to re-engage students that the rest of the system seems content to leave behind. These schools offer a supportive and meaningful educational experience for students who have dropped out or fallen behind, often the result of educational neglect at their previous schools. We believe LTW is a critical component to serving these students. 

We urge you to add your voice to stop these short-sighted cuts, destined to harm the educational outcomes of students who have already been underserved and failed by the school system in the past during a time of unprecedented instability. Join us as we stand with the city’s transfer schools, community based organizations, and the students who attend them and protest these cuts. 


  • Share this post friends and advocates in your community or post about this issue on social media using #SaveLTW!
  • Reach out to Councilman Mark Treyger, Chair of the Committee on Education (mtreyger@council.nyc.gov or 718-373-9673), NYCDOE Chancellor Richard A. Carranza (@DOEChancellor NYCChancellor@schools.nyc.gov) as well as your own local Council representative.
  • Tune in to the next Learning to Work Coalition Virtual Rallies – Good Shepherd Services Facebook
    • Staten Island: Tuesday, October 27 from 4pm – 5pm
    • Citywide: Thursday, October 29 from 4pm – 5pm

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